Dow Jones rally Q1 2021

17 March 2021 By Emmett Trades


2021 has been a profitable year for stocks in the Dow Jones Index. Since the turn of the year, the Dow has seen what appears to be a roaring rally with no end in sight, fuelled by a return of investor confidence and a stimulus package aiming to revitalise a stagnant U.S economy.

In the first quarter of 2021, we’ve seen an increase of over 3000 points (approx. 10%) in the Dow Jones, setting all-time records daily.

One of the main stocks pushing the price ever higher is Chevron. With the resurgence of international travel and consumer demand plus the price of oil rebounding from historical lows, companies like Chevron and Halliburton have seen a wave of new investment. This in turn has boosted their stock price, contributing to the bullish wave in the Dow Jones Index.

One cannot ignore the rise of tech stocks. During the COVID Pandemic, YTD has seen a strong push for Intel (up 30.03% since 31/12/2020) which has contributed significantly to the rally.

All indicators point to a bullish market for some time to come whilst bearing in mind we are still in a COVID volatile environment and everything can change. The market speaks for itself and the market is well and truly behind the rally.

Intel Chart Above

Source: Yahoo Finance

Chevron Chart Above

Source: Yahoo Finance

By Hasan Albandar

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