Swiss National Bank, Bank of England & Brexit News

17 June 2016 By Emmett Trades


Last night the Swiss National Bank and the Bank of England kept rates on hold, which was expected. The CPI data came out worst than expected but no big surprises.
We also had the Philly Fed manufacturing index, which was much better than expected at 4.7. As to what was expected at 1.1, so it was a good strong figure.
Unemployment came out a bit worse than expected at 277k. Now European and US stocks had a very good rebound last night off lows. So the US 30 bounced off its support line at 17470 and it is looking like it could be a possible reversal point but we need more confirmation.
This is due to a Brexit figure coming out suggesting the stay camp had a lead. This had a very big impact on Gold.
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